Are Herbal Remedies Safe?

"Natural" does not necessarily mean Pure. Herbal based does not necessarily mean it is 100 percent herbal in makeup. Organic does not necessarily mean it is truly, purely, organic. And something that is certified 98% Natural and Organic is actually 2% corrupted material. Let me ask this: If you take a 10 ounce glass of filtered water, guaranteed pure, pristine, non-harmful, and add 1/8th of an ounce of rat poison, how safe is that water to drink? Likewise, if you are using a product that is 98 percent pure, just how pure is that 100 percent product what is the other 2 percent of it contributing to the overall product?

People who are suspicious of traditional medicines often prefer to selfmedicate with herbal remedies in the belief that "natural" equals 'safe." Although popularly considered innocuous, herbal remedies may contain powerful chemicals such as quinine from cinchona bark, digitalis (a heart drug) from foxgloves or Taxol (an anti-cancer remedy) from yew bark and some contain contaminants such as arsenic, lead and other metals. A herbal remedy taken for medicinal purposes is not an over the-counter drug, but it does deserve caution and respect.

Probably the major difference between drugs from one of the major drug manufacturers and the herbs you grow in your herb garden or collect growing wild in nature is that the manufactured drug is usually a specific extract from the whole and as such is more concentrated and eliminates all the other associated components found in the complete herb. Further, their possible dangers are often spelled out on the package insert. By contrast, the safety profile of most herbal products is not listed. And there is a general unawareness of the lack of regulations governing their use by the public as a whole. Most herbal concoctions are not legally permitted to be sold as medications in Canada or the USA but are classified as foods. Since they're regarded as foods, warning labels are not required. Only a few herbal products bear federal Drug Identification Numbers (DIN) approving their sale as drugs.

After centuries of experience, the most highly toxic plants have been eliminated from the herbalist's stock-in-trade. Lily-of-the-valley, daffodil, deadly nightshade, jimsonweed and hemlock are among substances banned by Health and Welfare Canada for sale as foods or in food. Reports about the adverse effects of some herbal remedies are surfacing, ranging from minor to serious, from lethal poisonings to allergic reactions. Many of the adverse effects reported from herbs are from mis-identification but include: severe allergic shock from camomile tea, heart problems from liquorice tonics, liver toxicity from comfrey and dizziness from oleander tea. In one recent case, a woman who mistook oleander for eucalyptus died after drinking the tea. In another an elderly couple died within 24 hours of overdosing on digitalis, mistaking poisonous foxgloves for comfrey. Plants containing pyrrolizidine (e.g., Golden senecio or ragwort) are of increasing concern owing to reports of liver disease from consuming this substance. especially for long periods. Gordolobos tea containing this ingredient - widely consumed in the Southern U.S. - is no longer considered safe.

Harmful overdoses from herbals are most likely when they're made into strong teas, steeped for 10-20 minutes or more. For example. liquorice contains chemicals that, taken in large quantities, can cause sodium and water retention, high blood pressure and even cardiac arrest. In addition, herbal remedies can interact with OTC drugs. Some plants such as tonka beans, melilot and woodruff, which increase bleeding, should not be consumed by those regularly taking Aspirin. Several herbs - such as hellebore and hawthorn - can exacerbate the effects of the heart medication digitalis. Others such as bayberry, juniper and St. John's Wort, even coffee, are powerful diuretics that should not be taken if you are already taking prescription diuretics. In the final analysis, shopping for herbal products is a matter of know your product - or stay away!

Are Herbal Remedies The Answer?

It seems that almost every day we come across a story in a newspaper or magazine which raises concerns about the use, misuse, or overuse of a particular pharmaceutical remedy in the treatment of minor ailments, or serious medical conditions. Often these stories are quickly discredited as being ill-informed or based on insufficient evidence, perhaps medical opinion is divided, or particular experts in the field prefer to wait for an extended period of time, maybe years, in order to ascertain the safety, or otherwise of these commonly used remedies. This is not to criticise medical science, or its practitioners, who must rely on objective and statistically valid evidence before giving an expert opinion. However, it is little wonder that many of us turn to herbal remedies, either as a supplement, or as an alternative to manufactured pharmaceutical products. There is a reassurance in that simple word herbal, taking us back to simpler times, when there was little choice in how to treat our day to day bodily malfunctions, aches and pains and we made use of what was available to us, perhaps in our own back gardens!

Are herbal remedies the answer? Surely if they have been in use since men and women first walked on the Earth they must be both effective and safe? The answer to this, as to many questions, is Yes and No, or even Well its not as simple as that. In the past, herbal remedies were often administered or recommended by one particular person in the neighborhood, frequently a woman, (probably regarded as a witch), who was an expert in her field. This person would have studied and learned, by trial and error, about the efficacy and safety (or otherwise) of the product she was supplying. Herbal remedies may be natural, but that does not make them safe and we need to be well informed about the optimum dosage as well as about possible side effects and what are called contra-indications in the medical profession. After all, before a doctor prescribes a drug to you, s/he will refer to your medical history and question you about your lifestyle. We need to be equally cautious in self-prescribing, and take advantage of information and advice that is available to us from reliable sources.

Should herbal remedies be regarded as an alternative, or a complementary supplement to conventional medicine? We need to use our common sense in this matter. If a herbal product appears to be effective in treating a minor condition, then by all means use it instead of resorting to a manufactured product, with possibly dubious side effects. As regards more serious and even life threatening conditions, it seems unwise to reject the offerings of modern science, which for the most part have a proven record in alleviating suffering and prolonging life, whether or not they also cause undesirable side-effects. Herbal remedies may in these cases be used in a complementary way, if this is appropriate. Let us also not forget that many widely used conventional medications are based on a herbal product, (aspirin and digitalis to name just two), so we may be using a herbal based product without being aware of it. Herbal and conventional pharmaceutical remedies are not always mutually exclusive.

Are Herbs Weeds or Treasures?

My dictionary defines the word Weed as: a plant considered undesirable, unattractive, or troublesome, especially one growing where it is not wanted, as in a garden.

Herbs or medicinal plants are often considered weeds - usually because they grow in undesirable places. Many herbs have been introduced into Australia and because they are not native plants, they have often few competitors for resources such as water, soil nutrients and light and have few predators.

Subsequently, these plants can grow and spread unchecked, endangering native vegetation and even various animal species such as birds and insects. Weeds certainly can be a real threat to native flora, fauna, rain forests and even aquatic ecosystems.

Recalcitrant herbs are targeted by the authorities for eradication or sprayed on an ongoing basis, in an attempt to control their spread and protect sensitive ecosystems.

You dont need to go to exotic places like the rain forests to find medicinal plants, they usually grow right at your feed; on footpaths, roadsides, garbage dumps, even in your garden.

Given that most medicinal plants are weeds and because weeds grow as prolifically as they do, they are often easy to cultivate you will actually have more of a problem keeping them in a designated area, rather than a problem growing them.

Wildcrafted herbs are herbs gathered from the wild. The advantage of wildcrafted herbs is that these generally are very healthy and full of the desired medicinal properties.

Wildcrafted herbs are usually native to an area and thus are not weeds. They often occur in clusters and grow in ideal conditions under which they can attain their full medicinal potential.

A problem with wildcrafting medicinal plants occurs where there is little or no control over the amount that can be harvested at any one time or by any one person, at least this is the case in Australia. This can decimate a local population of wild medicinal plants. Taking of any vegetation is illegal without authorisation in Australian National Parks and protected areas for this reason. Some medicinal plants are actually becoming rare and endangered and the harvesting of these species should at the very least be regulated. Better still, organic farming of such herbs should be encouraged and promoted. This would provide struggling farmers with alternative cash crops during times when their primary sources of income are not performing well.

Weeds or Treasures - it really does not matter what you call them, the fact remains they are often very powerful medicinal plants that have the potential to address many of today's major health problems and they have done so for thousands of years...

How to Have Healthy Strong Hair?

Step 1:
Eat a variety of foods. Make sure you eat a balanced diet. Include omega 3 fatty acids, proteins and vitamins. Fish is a good source of Sources of protein and fatty oild and can be very good for the hair

Step 2:
Drink plenty of water. Drink at least eight glasses of water daily to keep yourself hydrated, which will improve the skin, nails hair and overall health

Step 3:
Exercise regularly. Exercise increases your circulation, which enables blood flow to the scalp, delivering oxygen to the hair

Step 4:
Shampoo on a regular basis and use good condtioners. Use oil treatments to soften and replace lost oils.

Step 5:
Avoid excessive heat on your hair as this causes breakage
Step 6:
Cut off damaged hair. Trim split ends regularly to allow the hair to grow.

What to do for a Healthy Strong Hair? Tips:  

  1. Brush your hair before washing it. This way you'll remove any dirt from your hair.
  2. Massage your scalp gently massage will boost your circulation. 
  3. Shampoo. Nobody can tell you how often you have to shampoo your hair. When you feel your hair is dirty, wash it gentle, with a shampoo that works on your hair. Read the page about how to choose the right shampoo for more.
  4. Always Moisturize your hair
  5. Rinse Best way to rinse your hair is by using vinegar, if possible apple vinegar. Rinsing helps your hair shine.
  6. Water Try to use mildly cold water. Finish, if possible, with cold water, this will close the cuticles.
  7. Drying your hair Let your hair dry naturally. Squeeze the water, and then use a towel to blot your hair. This way you'll have a moisturized, healthy hair.
  8. Hairbrush Do not use a hairbrush until your hair is dry; the wet hair can be easily damaged. Avoid plastic hairbrushes; hair will probably end up in knots
  9. Season, age, sex, food & drink, tobacco, all have a big influence on hair growth. Have a healthy life and you'll have a healthy hair, too
  10. Hair styling Try to avoid curling irons and hair-dryers to prevent hair damage. Also, avoid heat and prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Healthy Hair statistics:
  1. A healthy head counts up to 100,000 individual hairs.
  2.  90% of these hairs are growing. The remaining hair is in transitional or resting phase.
  3.  Daily, between 80 and 100 old hairs are shed.

Things You'll Need:
  • Balanced diet
  • Omega 3 fatty acids
  • Vitamins
  • eight glasses of water a day
  • Regular exercise
  • Shampoo
  • Hair conditioner
  • Oil treatments

Why should you drink water every morning on an empty stomach!

Sure, when we drink enough water every day enjoy many advantages. But when we drink water every morning on an empty stomach then reinforce positive effects of water in our bodies for a variety of reasons:
  1. Cleanses the colon making it easier absorption of the ingredients by our body. 
  2. Increasing the production of new cells in the blood and muscles 
  3. It helps in weight reduction. 1.5 Drinking water glass in the morning, rising ometavolismos us by 24%
  4. Water helps remove toxins from the blood so that we have clean and glowing skin. 
  5. Contribute to the balance of the lymphatic system. The glands of the system help to better carry your everyday functions and better flow of fluids in the body and finally fight infection. 

For best results would be in the morning and add a little freshly squeezed lemon. lot and put 2-3 drops of olive oil. Something did our grandmothers old.

Wants to lose weight easily? Use Spices

If someone wants to lose weight easily should give importance to good lymphatic function. What does this mean? To enable the body to expel toxins-byproducts of metabolism that can accumulate, reducing annoying impoundments in liquids and beyond. A food that can be charged and to prevent this valuable function is salt. Restricting salt, reduce and facilitate impoundments losing kilos. An easy, tasty and healthy way to achieve it is the spices. adding to food instead of salt, keep taste and the body and offer the opportunity to make the best natural detoxification. Meanwhile, the most hot spices like chilli , pepper etc. amplify a small percentage of the thermogennesi, ie heat production by the body, thus burning more calories.

Pomegranate Juice Benefits

Pomegranate Juice

Why is there so much excitement about the health benefits of pomegranate juice anyway?

Isn't it just like all the other juices on the grocery store shelf?

Can't you get the same vitamins and minerals from a supplement?

Pomegranate juice is proving to be one of the most amazing sources of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals for a healthy mind and body.

11 Health Benefits of Pomegranate Juice

Several recent studies have shown significant potential health benefits from drinking pomegranate juice. Here are eleven:

1. Fights Breast Cancer

Studies show that pomegranate juice destroys breast cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone. It may also prevent breast cancer cells from forming.

2. Lung Cancer Prevention

Studies in mice show that pomegranate juice may inhibit the development of lung cancer.

3. Slows Prostate Cancer

It slowed the growth of prostate cancer in mice.

4. Keeps PSA Levels Stable

In a study of 50 men who had undergone treatment for prostate cancer, 8 ounces of pomegranate juice per day kept PSA levels stable, reducing the need for further treatment such as chemotherapy or hormone therapy.

5. Protects the Neonatal Brain

Studies show that maternal consumption of pomegranate juice may protect the neonatal brain from damage after injury.

6. Prevention of Osteoarthritis

Several studies indicate that pomegranate juice may prevent cartilage deterioration.

7. Protects the Arteries

It prevents plaque from building up in the arteries and may reverse previous plaque buildup.

8. Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention 

It may prevent and slow Alzheimer’s disease. In one study, mice bred to develop Alzheimer’s disease were given pomegranate juice. They accumulated significantly less amyloid plaque than control mice and they performed mental tasks better.

9. Lowers Cholesterol

It lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) and raises HDL (good cholesterol).

10. Lowers Blood Pressure

One study showed that drinking 1.7 ounces of pomegranate juice per day lowered systolic blood pressure by as much as 5 percent.

11. Dental Protection

Research suggests that drinking pomegranate juice may be a natural way to prevent dental plaque.

7 Foods That Help You Lose Weight

By Melanie Haiken,

A helpful article with tips and foods that help you lose weight. Learn about the seven foods that can actually boost your body's fat burning potential and help you lose weight.

Don't get sucked into the idea that food is your enemy when you're trying to lose weight. In fact, it's just the opposite: Befriend the right foods, and the pounds are much more likely to peel off than if you just try to cut calories across the board. Here, seven foods known to nutritionists to boost your body's fat-burning potential.

1. Oats

Wait a minute -- aren't oats a carb? Yes and no. Oats are a whole grain, and they're high on what nutritionists call the "satiety index," meaning oats have tremendous power to make you feel full. Not only that, they're also high in soluble fiber, so they cut cholesterol and blood fat. Oats digest slowly, so they don't raise your blood sugar, and they keep you feeling filled up well into the late morning. Old-fashioned steel-cut and rolled oats, with up to 5 grams of fiber per serving, are best, but even instant oatmeal has 3 to 4 grams of fiber per serving.

2. Eggs

Nutritionists have been trying for some years to restore the reputation of the lowly egg. No longer thought to be a cholesterol-booster (eggs contain a different type of cholesterol than that in humans), eggs are a concentrated form of animal protein without the added fat that comes with meat. Dietary studies have repeatedly found that when people eat an egg every morning in addition to (or instead of) toast or cereal, they lose twice as much weight as those who eat a breakfast that's dominated by carbs.

3. Skim milk

Studies in reputable publications such as the Journal of Obesity (in addition to the controversial ones funded by the National Dairy Council) show that the combination of calcium, vitamin D, and low-fat protein in skim milk and nonfat yogurt trigger weight loss and help build and maintain lean muscle.

4. Apples

To keep the pounds at bay, eat an apple -- or two -- a day. Numerous studies have found that eating an apple a half hour to an hour before a meal has the result of cutting the calories of the meal. Why? The fiber in the apple makes you feel full, so you eat less. Recent research suggests eating apples has other benefits, too; the antioxidants in apples appear to prevent metabolic syndrome, the combination of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and prediabetes that tends to accompany thickening around the waist. Also, apples are high in pectin, which binds with water and limits the amount of fat your cells can absorb.

5. Red meat

Not exactly what you think of as a diet food, right? But research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition compared diet results for women who ate red meat and those who didn't, and the meat-eaters lost more weight. Experts think the dense protein in lean red meat helps you maintain muscle mass -- but of course this assumes you're exercising to build that muscle.

6. Cinnamon

This simple spice appears to have the power to help your body metabolize sugar, according to surprising data that came out of a USDA study involving diabetics. Eating as little as 1/4 to 2 teaspoons of cinnamon a day was found to reduce blood sugar levels and cut cholesterol from 10 to 25 percent. So add cinnamon to smoothies, sprinkle it on your cereal, or flavor your coffee with it -- particularly if you take your coffee with cream and sugar. The cinnamon will boost the health benefits of the coffee while helping your body rid itself of the added sugars.

7. Almonds and almond butter

Another counterintuitive choice; aren't nuts and nut butters supposed to be incredibly fattening? Well, almonds are calorie-dense, but they also pack a huge nutritional punch -- and they're particularly effective in counteracting cholesterol and triglycerides. One study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating almonds was as effective as taking a statin. Spreading almond butter on your morning toast gives you a nice protein boost while preventing the carbs in the toast from spiking your blood sugar.


FDA Approves Weight Loss Drug Belviq

By Charles Feng, M.D. and Sheila Reddy, M.D.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the weight loss drug Belviq for people who are overweight or obese and have one or more weight-related health problems, the agency announced today.

"Obesity threatens the overall well-being of patients and is a major public health concern," Dr. Janet Woodcock, director of the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said in a statement. "The approval of this drug, used responsibly in combination with a healthy diet and lifestyle, provides a treatment option for Americans who are obese or are overweight and have at least one weight-related comorbid condition."

The drug, made by Arena Pharmaceuticals, acts on a receptor in the brain to help people eat less and feel fuller, according to the FDA statement.

In clinical trials people who took Belviq were twice as likely to lose 5 percent or more of their weight than people who took a placebo. The drug was also linked to improvements in blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

"It's about time that they approved a new drug," said Dr. Judith Stern, a professor of nutrition at the University of California at Davis. "Obesity drugs should be on the fast track."

In 2010, the FDA decided not to approve Belviq, citing concerns that the drug carried heart-valve risks and increased brain and breast tumor development in rats given seven times the recommended dose.

But new studies by Arena Pharmaceuticals found no increased risk of heart valve problems and only a small risk of cancer. And in May 2012, an FDA panel voted 18 to four to approve the drug, stating the benefits of Belviq outweigh the potential risks when used in a population of overweight and obese people.

"For the half of America that seriously needs some help in reducing energy intake, this has some promise," said Dr. Barry Popkin, a professor of nutrition at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Other experts have expressed more caution.

"The approval of [Belviq is] a foot in the door for pharmacological treatment of obesity," said Dr. Robert Eckel, a professor of medicine at the University of Colorado -- Denver. "However, the effects are moderate at best."

Obesity is becoming an epidemic of massive proportions. According to the World Health Organization, by 2015 2.3 billion adults will be overweight, and more than 700 million will be obese. Obesity is associated with a host of health problems, including high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attacks, asthma, cancers and strokes. Indeed, obesity, along with tobacco, is a leading cause of preventable death.

The main treatments for obesity are diet and exercise. If those interventions are not effective, then a person can consider medical therapy or bariatric surgery. However, bariatric surgery, though effective in leading to weight loss, is also a surgical procedure with serious risks.

"Clearly [Belviq] is only effective in some cases, but clinicians who deal with very obese and super obese Americans are dying for an increased arsenal other than bariatric surgery," said Popkin.

The most common side effects of Belviq are headache, nausea and dizziness. And people taking Belviq were twice as likely to have neuropsychiatric and cognitive side effects.

Weight-loss drugs have a mixed track record with the FDA. Fenfluramine -- commonly known as fen-phen -- was pulled from the market in 1997 because of its association with heart valve disease. Accutrim was removed in 2000 because of its association with strokes. And Meridia production ceased in 2010 due to concerns of heart disease and strokes.

Only one weight-loss medication, Alli, was FDA-approved before today's decision.


Top 5 Nutrition and Fitness Tips for Healthy Lifestyle

There are many nutrition tips and guidelines online that can help you retain a healthy lifestyle. In order to summarize them, you need to look for general Nutrition and Fitness tips that are easy to understand. In this video, we are showing you the top 5 nutrition and fitness tips that you can find on

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Beautiful Young Longer With Methi Seeds

Methi seeds containing substances such as butylated hydroxyanisole and butylated hydroxytoluene antioxidant effect cells. Apply it on face every night before going to bed 30 minutes then rinse with warm water prevents the pigment pigmentation, acne bran, freckles, it makes skin smooth and younger looking more like the old one.

Methi trees or plants known as fenugreek , fenugreek , Greek is the scientific name foenum graecum Trigonela of the legume family. Methi plant parts is often used for medicinal seeds and leaves. Methi many trees are planted and used as medicines and food more than 4000 years in other countries: India, Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Malta, Slovenia, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Israel, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, ... Research shows that the methi seeds contain many useful group of active ingredients for health, such as protein, 3% mineral elements including iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, zinc , copper, manganese, vitamin C, folic acid, B vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and fiber.

List of Low Carb Foods and Recipies

It seems these days that everyone you know is living the low carb lifestyle. You may be starting your own low carb lifestyle (because it is a lifestyle and not really a diet at all), or are already eating this way and are getting tired of the foods you are eating and want to see if you can find something different. Either way, this article will provide a list of low carb foods you can eat without thought. Use it as a reference anytime for planning new recipes or when you want a snack and can't decide what you can reach for.

List of low carb foods:

Hot Dogs (beef, pork, or chicken)
Vienna Sausage
Potted Meat
Lunch Meat

Sunflower Oil
Soybean Oil
Vegetable Oil
Peanut Oil
Safflower Oil
Olive Oil
Corn Oil

Tea (unsweetened)
Coffee (unsweetened)
Diet Soda

Camembert Cheese
Cheddar Cheese
Pasteurized Processed Cheese
Muenster Cheese
Parmesan Cheese
Provolone Cheese
Swiss Cheese
Mozzarella Cheese
Feta Cheese
Cream Cheese
Blue Cheese

Alfalfa Sprouts
Sweet Peppers


Tartar Sauce
Blue Cheese Salad Dressing
French Salad Dressing
Italian Salad Dressing
Sour Cream
Barbecue Sauce
Soy Sauce
1000 Island


Here are some recipes to try out:

Mini Spinach Omelets

1 tsp vegetable Oil
1 white onion (chopped)
1 package frozen spinach, thawed and drained through cheesecloth
5 beaten eggs
3 cups shredded Muenster cheese
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
Salt and pepper to taste

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Grease a muffin tin lightly with vegetable oil. Heat your oil in a skillet and add your chopped onion. Sauté until the onions are tender and add the spinach. Continue to sauté until the spinach has lost all extra moisture. Mix your eggs, Muenster cheese, and salt and pepper in a large bowl, then add your spinach onion mixture. Spoon into the muffin tin about 3/4 from the top. Top with the Cheddar cheese and bake for about 30 minutes, or until the eggs are done. This recipe is great for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Cobb Salad

5 slices cooked bacon
2 boiled eggs
1/2 head iceberg lettuce, chopped
2 cups cooked, diced chicken
1/2 cup radishes, sliced
1/2 cup blue cheese crumbles
1//2 avocado, peeled, pitted, and sliced
2 scallions, sliced
Blue cheese dressing

Layer the ingredients and top with dressing. Serves 4.

No Chips Taco Salad

1 pound ground beef, chicken, or turkey
1 packet of Taco Seasoning
1 head iceberg lettuce, chopped
1 cup shredded Cheddar Cheese
1 cup shredded Monterrey Jack Cheese
1/4 cup black olives
2 tbsp sour cream

Brown your meat thoroughly, then add the taco seasoning according to the directions on the package. Set aside and allow to cool for about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, place your lettuce on a large serving platter. Top with your meat mixture, then top with your cheese. Dollop your sour cream on top and sprinkle with the olives. Serves 4.