Benefits of Banana

Benefits of Eating Bananas

Bananas are a great food for all round health benefits, for the average person, dieter or even athletes bananas may provide greater benefits than more fruits. The combination of
carbohydrates and B vitamins present in a banana helps provide an energy boost which makes them great to eat 30 minutes before a workout, or even at breakfast to help boost energy at the start of every day.

Bananas are not only a good source of B vitamins they also contain vitamin C, A and high levels of potassium. The natural fiber in bananas also contributes to the many health benefits listed below.

Health benefits of eating banana

healthy bowels

cardiovascular health

protection from strokes

protection from ulcers

improve blood pressure
may boost mood

boost energy

help reduce water retention

Bananas and losing weight

Bananas may be one of the best fruits to eat when attempting to lose weight. They are full of nutrients for increased energy and vitality. Bananas are also low in calories and fat, plus they have a high water content and potassium levels. A diet high in potassium foods and lower in sodium-loaded processed foods can help reduce water weight.

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