
What you need to know about एक्ने

Millions of people around the world deal with every day Acne। It is a common problem not only with teenagers but also affects adults, in all spheres of life.

Usually hits acne during puberty, when the body is full of hormones and is undergoing biological changes. However, it is not uncommon for acne at any time in life and for a variety of रेअसोंस।

What exactly is Acne?

Acne is basically a disease that causes inflammation of the skin, particularly the hair follicles where they reside. These causes the eruptions that occur are known as Pimple. When these follicles become blocked by dirt oil, keratin and sebum that causes glands in the skin to increase production and this is one of two things, a white or black head. The redness that often occurs is the result of a bacterium that can cause the form Pimple. Acne not only affects the face, but can be found anywhere in the body. Usually precocious puberty usually decreases after the acne goes away or twenty years, but there are things that can trigger an outbreak.

What are the triggers that can cause an outbreak of Acne?

Hormones generally at high levels during puberty, but may be caused by menstrual cycles and pregnancy। Stress-this is probably a major cause of acne and activates the side of hormones. Some drugs, exposure to chemical compounds, and can also trigger allergic reactions acne. Another trigger is the accumulation of dead skin, which can be solved by washing with a frequency esfoliantes product to avoid accumulation. Finally, the diet you eat affects your body chemistry and that can lead to outbreaks.


There are a variety of ways to treat and prevent outbreaks of acne. To control acne there is a wide selection of rack solutions that can provide relief and help to control the frequency and appearance of Pimple, most of these products are medicated soaps and washes, but some are gels, tarpaulins, and creams that are applied directly to skin. Much rest, drink lots of water and being sure to eat a properly balanced diet can do a long way, and help prevent acne or lessen its appearance and frequency. A number of online resources that can provide information on the symptoms and treatment of acne. For more severe cases may be advantageous to seek the advice of medical professionals on a treatment plan.

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