Remove the Redness of a Pimple

Well, some way or another you get a red pimple, some people think 'Oh it's just a pimple, no one will notice.' Well they DO notice, especially if it's red. Here's one way of making them less red.


Wash your face daily with a good face wash.

Pat face dry with a towel.

Look at a grocery store for a redness reducing product to put on your pimple.

Eye drops are made to remove redness in the eyes, but they work just as well on your pimples. Squirt at least three drops on your pimple.

Wait at least five minutes.

Put ice on the pimple.


Normal soap is fine, but you should really use specialized face wash if you have it.

Use an oil-free sunblock of SPF 15 or more everyday. It makes your skin softer and prevents the sun from making your pimple worse.

If you don't have eye drops around, you can use a fever reducing OTC drug like Ibuprofen. It reduces redness, hence the name. Just one of two pills does the trick and takes about the same time as the eye drops.

If you have bad acne it helps to go to a dermatologist who can prescribe you medication to take by mouth. The acne will disappear in a few months.

Sudocrem works! It is used for nappy rash in babies, but does remove some redness! Just make sure you rub it in before you leave the house!

Wash your face first with hot water so that your pores open, thus allowing the face cleanser to clean better. Then before drying your face splash cold water onto your face to close your pores, preventing residue going into your pores.


Be very careful if you're going to take medication such as Ibuprofen to reduce redness, as Ibuprofen was not intended for that purpose. Always ask a doctor first.

Only attempt to pop a pimple if it has come to a head, and the pus is clearly visible from the surface.

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