Best at Home Teeth Whitening Tips and Remedies

If you are conscious about the color of your teeth and you do not have enough money to go to the dentist to perform bleaching, then try some of these tips and home remedies which are appropriate for your budget. A very inexpensive baking soda will help you achieve the white teeth you are dreaming of. Just add it to your toothpaste and brush your teeth for two minutes, two times a day. Apply baking soda only once or twice a month because it is harmful to the enamel if you apply it excessively. Gargling with water mix with rock salt will help in teeth whitening or simply brush your teeth with salt. You can make homemade toothpaste consisting of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, table salt, and add a little toothpaste.

You can also maintain the whiteness of your teeth if you will avoid foods and drinks especially drinks that contain caffeine as it will leave stain to your teeth. Also, eat foods that help in the production of saliva, because saliva prevents the teeth from acquiring cavities. Nicotine found in cigarettes leaves stain to your teeth which is hard to remove, so stop smoking. Most of all, brush daily at least two times a day or every after meal.

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